Pikmin Wiki

The Amphituber family is a family of frog-like amphibians in the Pikmin games. Their family name is a portmanteau of "amphibian" and "tuber", due to their potato-shaped body. In the main games, they are not shown to have a mouth. This is likely a stylistic choice on the parts of the artist/developers, though it is possible that they obtain water and air through their skin in the same way as real life frogs.


Main Article: Wolpole

Scientific Name: Amphicaris frondiferorum (larva)

The wolpole resembles a tadpole, and is in fact the juvenile form of an amphituber. It is one of the weakest water-based enemies in the Pikmin series. In the first game, it only appears in The Forest of Hope and The Distant Spring. They are typically a hard-to-get, low-reward enemy in that they are fast swimmers that run away and only produce one seed when carried to the Onion. In Pikmin 2, they are found in the Awakening Wood and Perplexing Pool areas, as well as being found in the sublevels of some caves, such as the Shower Room. Also, they can occasionally get out of the water. When they do this, they will flop around like beached fish and their speed is drastically reduced. As stated, they are not worth the effort, so don't bother unless you really want to retrieve them. Only Yellow Wollyhop wolpoles are seen in the games.

Yellow Wollyhop[]

Yellow wollywog
Main Article: Yellow Wollyhop

Scientific Name: Amphicaris frondiferorum

Yellow Wollyhops are more slender, taller, yellow versions of their albino counterparts that live near bodies of water out in the open like in The Distant Spring or Perplexing Pool as opposed to underground areas, though they can occasionally be found in caves. They hunt by jumping high into the air and crashing back down on their prey. This allows them to take out large groups of pikmin in one attack, so be careful. One strategy to defeat Wollyhops is to approach (preferably from behind) and throw Pikmin at it, calling them back just before the creature jumps, which stuns the Pikmin until it lands. A more risky but effective tactic is to swarm the Wollyhop and whistle your Pikmin back just before it jumps. This brings down the health of the Wollyhop quickly, but you can lose all of your Pikmin if you take too long to call them back. A Wollyhop will always choose to crush helpless Pikmin on the ground rather than chase the main group.

Young Yellow Wollyhop[]

Main Article: Young Yellow Wollyhop

juvenile Yellow Wollyhop are shown exclusively in Hey! Pikmin, located within the Verdant Waterfront, Leafswirl Lagoon, and Snowfall field. described as the intermediate, immature stage between Wolpole and Wollyhop, as it has a set of back legs, yet still maintaining a much smaller version of a Wolpole tail. While unable to hover when jumping like their adult counterparts, they're still capable of crushing Pikmin on landing, and even then they can kill one pikmin on contact while swimming in water. They are fairly weak, and can be defeated with one Pikmin.


Main Article: Wollyhop

Scientific Name: Amphicaris albino

Wollyhops are a species of mature amphituber that live in the bowels of subterranean areas. They have pale skin and have red eyes, and are usually found in watery cave-live areas, such as caves in Pikmin 2 and The Forest Navel in Pikmin. They attack in the same manner as Yellow Wollyhops, but are more aggressive, and attack with a jump more readily. Their strange appearance is a result of mutations caused from living in darkness for generations. Even though their name implies that they are the originals, they seem to have mutated from Yellow Wollyhops or one of their predecessors.

Fiery Yellow Wollyhop[]

Main Article: Fiery Young Yellow Wollyhop

Fiery Yellow Wollyhop are essentially a species of Wollyhop capable of igniting its body, and survive being on fire in a similar manor to a Fiery Bulblax. Juveniles of Fiery Yellow Wollywog can be found in the Sweltering Parchlands, and the Lushlife Murk. Unlike normal Yellow Wollyhop, Fiery Yellow Wollyhop can only be defeated by Red Pikmin, due to their fire-resistance, but juveniles still only need one pikmin to defeat.
It’s adult counterpart, if any, has not yet been premiered in any of the 4 Pikmin games.


The Masterhop is a large Yellow Wollyhop. It is the boss of the Seafloor Resort.

Pikmin Adventure[]

Large-Mouth Wollyhop[]

Large-Mouth Wollywog NL
Main Article: Large-Mouth Wollyhop

The Large-Mouth Wollyhop is the first boss in the amphituber family, and it appears only in the Pikmin Adventure game in Nintendo Land. It has eyes on stalks, a large mouth (obviously) and can only be attacked at specific parts of its body at specific parts of the fight (i.e., The tongue at the start of the fight, its cheeks at the middle of the fight, and its back at the end of the fight). The Large Mouth Wollyhop does not attack by jumping, but rather by extending its spike-ball-tongue at the player. This tongue will do damage whether or not it is the boss's current weak spot.

Translucent Wollyhop[]

Translucent Wollywog NL

The Translucent Wollyhop with both of its cheeks broken.

Main Article: Translucent Wollyhop

The Translucent Wollyhop is the second boss to be fought in the extra challenges of Pikmin Adventure. It is basically the same exact boss as the Large-Mouth Wollyhop from the 16 standard challenges. The only differences are that this one camouflages in the water, and shoots its tongue out three times in a row instead of just once.


Enemies and plants
Armored Cannon Beetle | Beady Long Legs | Breadbug | Burrowing Snagret | Candypop Bud | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Emperor Bulblax | Fiery Blowhog | Female Sheargrub | Goolix | Honeywisp | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Mamuta | Pearly Clamclamp | Pellet Posy | Puffstool | Puffy Blowhog | Male Sheargrub | Shearwig | Smoky Progg | Spotty Bulbear | Swooping Snitchbug | Red Bulborb | Water Dumple | Wolpole | Wollyhop | Yellow Wollyhop
Pikmin 2
Red Bulborb | Hairy Bulborb | Orange Bulborb | Dwarf Bulbear | Spotty Bulbear | Fiery Bulblax | Emperor Bulblax | Empress Bulblax | Bulborb Larva | Water Dumple | Bulbmin | Breadbug | Giant Breadbug | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Dwarf Orange Bulborb | Snow Bulborb | Fiery Blowhog | Watery Blowhog | Puffy Blowhog | Withering Blowhog | Fiery Dweevil | Anode Dweevil | Caustic Dweevil | Munge Dweevil | Volatile Dweevil | Titan Dweevil | Beady Long Legs | Man-at-Legs | Raging Long Legs | Burrowing Snagret | Pileated Snagret | Armored Cannon Beetle Larva | Decorated Cannon Beetle | Segmented Crawbster | Hermit Crawmad | Male Sheargrub | Female Sheargrub | Shearwig | Doodlebug | Iridescent Glint Beetle | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Cloaking Burrow-nit | Ravenous Whiskerpillar | Skitter Leaf | Careening Dirigibug | Swooping Snitchbug | Bumbling Snitchbug | Antenna Beetle | Anode Beetle | Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat | Greater Spotted Jellyfloat | Toady Bloyster | Ranging Bloyster | Wolpole | Yellow Wollyhop | Wollyhop | Creeping Chrysanthemum | Unmarked Spectralid | Honeywisp | Mitite | Gatling Groink | Mamuta | Waterwraith | Crimson Candypop Bud | Golden Candypop Bud | Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud | Violet Candypop Bud | Ivory Candypop Bud | Queen Candypop Bud | Pellet Posy | Common Glowcap | Glowstem | Clover | Figwort | Dandelion | Seeding Dandelion | Horsetail | Foxtail | Margaret | Fiddlehead | Shoot | Burgeoning Spiderwort
Pikmin 3
Arachnode | Arctic Cannon Larva | Armored Cannon Larva | Armored Mawdad | Bearded Amprat | Bug-Eyed Crawmad | Bulborb | Burrowing Snagret | Calcified Crushblat | Desiccated Skitter Leaf | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Dwarf Orange Bulborb | Female Sheargrub | Fiery Blowhog | Flighty Joustmite | Hermit Crawmad | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Joustmite | Male Sheargrub | Medusal Slurker | Necterous Dandelfly | Orange Bulborb | Peckish Aristocrab | Pellet Posy | Phosbat | Plasm Wraith | Puckering Blinnow | Puffy Blowhog | Pyroclasmic Slooch | Quaggled Mireclops | Red Spectralid | Sandbelching Meerslug | Scornet | Scornet Maestro | Shaggy Long Legs | Shearwig | Skeeterskate | Skitter Leaf | Skutterchuck | Spotty Bulbear | Sputtlefish | Swarming Sheargrub | Swooping Snitchbug | Toady Bloyster | Vehemoth Phosbat | Waddlepus | Water Dumple | Watery Blowhog | Whiptongue Bulborb | White Spectralid | Wolpole | Yellow Spectralid | Yellow Wollyhop
Pikmin 4
Albino Dwarf Bulborb | Ancient Sirehound | Anode Beetle | Arctic Cannon Beetle | Arctic Cannon Larva | Aristocrab Offspring | Armored Cannon Larva | Baldy Long Legs | Bearded Amprat | Blizzarding Blowhog | Bloomcap Bloyster | Bogswallow | Breadbug | Bug-Eyed Crawmad | Bulborb | Burrowing Snagret | Chillyhop | Creeping Chrysanthemum | Crusted Rumpup | Desiccated Skitter Leaf | Doodlebug | Downy Snagret | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Bulborb | Dwarf Frosty Bulborb | Dweevil | Emperor Bulblax | Enemy | Female Sheargrub | Fiery Blowhog | Fiery Bulblax | Foolix | Freezecake | Frosty Bulborb | Giant Breadbug | Gildemander | Gildemandwee | Groovy Long Legs | Grubchucker | Hermit Crawmad | Horned Cannon Beetle | Hydro Dweevil | Iceblown Dweevil | Icy Blowhog | Joustmite | Jumbo Bulborb | Mama Sheargrub | Mammoth Snootwhacker | Mamuta | Man-at-Legs | Miniature Snootwhacker | Mitite | Moldy Dwarf Bulborb | Moldy Slooch | Moss | Muckerskate | Pearly Clamclamp | Porquillion | Puckering Blinnow | Puffy Blowhog | Pyroclasmic Slooch | Red Spectralid | Scorchcake | Shearflea | Shearwig | Shockcake | Skutterchuck | Smoky Progg | Snavian | Snowfake Fluttertail | Snowy Blowhog | Sovereign Bulblax | Spotty Bulbear | Startle Spore | Sunsquish | Titan Blowhog | Toady Bloyster | Toxstool | Tusked Blowhog | Venom Dweevil | Waddlepus | Waddlequaff | Waterwraith | Watery Blowhog | Wollyhop | Wolpole | Yellow Wollyhop
Hey! Pikmin
Adult Centipare | Armurk | Berserk Leech Hydroe | Blubbug | Bulborb | Centipare | Clicking Slurker | Coppeller | Crammed Wraith | Crested Mockiwi | Crumbug | Crystalline Crushblat | Electric Cottonade | Electric Spectralid | Electripede | Elongated Crushblat | Emperor Bulblax | Eye-Stalker Bulbeel | Fiery Blowhog | Fiery Blowlet | Fiery Dwarf Bulblax | Fiery Young Yellow Wollywog | Fireflap Bulborb | Fireflinger Groink | Firesnout Beetle | Flatterchuck | Flying Spotted Jellyfloat | Grabbit | Large Splurchin | Long Water Dumple | Luring Slurker | Male Sheargrub | Mockiwi | Muggonfly | Puckering Blinnow | Puffstalk | Puffy Blubbug | Queen Shearwig | Red Bubblimp | Seedbagger | Shearblug | Shearwig | Shooting Spiner (Female) | Shooting Spiner (Male) | Skutterchuck | Sparrowhead | Speargrub | Spiny Coppeller | Sporegrub | Spornet | Starnacle | Stony Flint Beetle | Stuffed Bellbloom | Swooping Snitchbug | Umbloda (Family) | Widemouthed Anode Beetle | Yellow Wollyhop | Young Yellow Wollywog
Amphituber | Arachnorb | Breadbug family | Blowhog | Candypop Bud | Chrysanthemum family | Dweevil | Glowcap family | Grub-dog | Jellyfloat | Lithopod | Mandiblard | Mollusking | Snavian | Unknown Family